Tank Stained - permenant???


I tried using a medication to help with a ich problem.
At first it seemed to work, later it didn't, going to try Hypo now.
Anyways....the medication stained the sides of the tank "blue".
Is there anything that might help remove this, or will it eventually go away with proper water changes and time, or is it permenantly stained?
I have seen salt water products that claim to clear cloudy tanks, I wonder if something like this might help dissolve the medication stained on the corners.
Any opinions, (no big deal, it is my hospital tank now, but it looks funny).


Active Member
Did you put the medication inside of your main display tank? If so, you do not want to put live rock or inverts into that tank. The medications are like poison for inverts, and the live rock and silicone sealants on the tank absorb the poisonous copper.
As far as the stain, it will probably slowly go away with time, but the medication boxes usually warn that the stuff will stain whatever it touches blue.
Once again, do not put anything but fish into this tank anymore. It is now unsafe for anything else.


The silicone in the corners will stay blue but the glass won't stain.
It is a glass tank right??


At the time it was my main display, now it will be my permenant hospital tank.
I did remove the live rock before medicating, and yes, it is a glass tank.
So I didn't plan on ever putting live rock back in the tank (since it will be kept as a hospital), or inverts or coral, just fish.
The glass didn't stain (your right) just the silicone in the corners.
I am trying to get us to the tint of blue, but it's an eye sore.
So might it go away in time (maybe a year or two)?
Thanks for the responce.....


Staff member
It will fade some over time, but will likely never go back to normal.