tank stand


New Member
hay i just hit up a yard sal and i got a awsome condition 110 gal. glass aquarium for 25 bucks so i couldent resist but i was wondering it is 19.5 inches front to back and was wondering what i should do for a stand being the most iv seen are only 18" any advice would be nice.


Active Member
R U asking what DIY stand you should build, or, asking if anyone has seen a stand with this footprint?


New Member
:happyfish :happyfish well i would like to build it myself just becuase of the $ but i dont know if i have the skill to build a stand that would be able to hole the weight so eather a plan or if someone has had any experince with getting a stand that is noe common. thanks


Active Member
You're talking about 1000 lbs just in water alone, so if you DYI you'll want to fabricate using 4 x 4's and and 2 x 4 rails. Also, I don't know where you are going to place this tank, but you'll want to support your floor with a few footings and posts.


Building a stand is actually quite easy. Just takes some planning. Plus, you can build it any size you want.
The basics are simply a 2x4 frame and your choice of finish to wrap it in. Even though you are talking about 1000+ lbs., 2x4s are more than enough. A single 2x4 on its end could easily support this much weight, so no worries here.
Do a search. There are some great explainations and pictures.


heres some pics of stands hope it helps
(p.s. i hope no one gets made these are not my stands thiers others people just couldnt figure out how to load the whole thread.



Active Member
2x4 is plenty enough as long at they are not too far spanded from each other.. my stand for my 155bf only have 10 2x4 post spanded over the 74'' ( 4 in front and 4 in back ) the middle secton where the 2 doors open is about 35'' i think ( but it fits a 55 gal long in between with about 2.5'' to spare ) and no problem yet.. no bow no nothing.. been ther for a few years now. as for placment.. try to keep it on the 1st floor and close to the outside walls of the building. gl