Tank Stocking List


Ok here is the list I would like to have for my new 300 gallon. (400 gallon system.. sump+refug+wet/dry,etc.)
Currently Have:
Stars & Stripes Puffer
Huma Trigger
Maroon Clown
Want to add:
Australian Harlequin Tusk
Threadfin Butterfly
Naso Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Volitan Lion
Queen Angel
I would really like to add a Clown trigger to the mix, but I am concerned that he will get a bit too nippy. Any suggestions? How about number and amount of fish? Thanks for your input. I am very excited about stocking a new tank although it will take quite a while to do. Want to take it slow.


Ed, thanks for the information. I guess I just want the best of both worlds. I understand that the agressive guys are big messy eaters. I do have a fair amount of overkill for filtration on the system. Skimmer is rated at 800-1000 gallons. Even with this, you think it would screw up the water quality for the tangs and angel? I trust your judgement, you seem to be very honest in your replys. :)