Tank Stocking


Currently, I have 3 Green Chromis in my tank (55 Gallon). I am getting 2 Percula Clowns today. Here is my stocking list (Includes what I eventualkly want to get):
3x Green Chromis
2x Percula Clowns
3x Neon Gobies
1x Flame Angelfish
1x Clown Goby
2x Firefish
MAYBE a Mandarin Dragonet after a year or so.....
Is this overstocked? I have read up on books and it seems to me the general consensus is 1" of fish per 4G in new tanks and 1" of fish per 2G in established tanks. Total Inches up there is around 25-30" (Once they're all fully grown). Is this list OK?


Forgot.... my equipment is 220W worth of lighting, a Protein Skimmer, 2 Powerheads (Maxi Jet 1200's), a Bio-Wheel (Plan on getting rid of it once I have all my LR), 10 pounds of LR, and 10 pounds of Base Rock.


Active Member
With only having 10# of live rock, you are pretty much at your limit. Get another 30-40 pounds and you can go with a little more. As for the mandarin, they should only be in systems that have been established it least a year AND have IT LEAST 80 pounds of live rock. They are notorious for being picky eaters and usually will only eat live pods that live in the rocks. A mandarin can clean 40 or 50 pounds of live rock of pods in a few weeks, after which it slowly starves to death.