Tank Switcharoo?


I have a 30 gallon coral tank that is getting kinda crowded and I have a 55 gallon FO that is kinda empty (only a Dragon Wrasse and a Midas Blenny). I was thinking about combining the two tanks and making the 55 a semi-reef environment. I would be using my 110 watt power compact setup, and two 20 watt NO flo's with actinic bulbs (20 inches a piece). Do you guys think that this lighting should be sufficient as i only have fairly lowlight corals and they would be placed at the top of the tank. Also, I have crushed coral in the 55, and sand in the reef. Can I use a combination of the two in the semi-reef setup? Any other ideas or comments are also welcome. Thanks for the advice!! -David


Active Member
you have 110w pc's? I think you mean 110w vho or mayby 96w pc. How many bulbs? 1 would be ok, but 2 would be better.
Lose the cc. You would be doing yourself a big favor in the long run.
Buy dry sand and it will be seeded by your sand in the reef. I don't think you will cycle, but to be safe, run it a few days and check the water.
good luck