tank transfer is now complete!!


Active Member
My clowns found their mushrooms tonight!! OMG...I am SO happy!! and frankly, I'm kind of amazed...I really thought it would take a lot longer than just a few days after the tank transfer, but here they are!! Pics from a just a minute or two ago!!
Lisa :happyfish



Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Looks great.....Awsome pics......Great job!!!!!

Thanks, I'm just so glad to know just where to look for the little buggers again!! :hilarious
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
It is really cute...and such a relief to me. I spent all last week observing my tank before the switch and was wondering if the clowns would find their shrooms again. Consensus was that it would take a while (6 months or so), but they would eventually find them again. I began to second guess doing the switch...but I did it, and I'm glad I did!! It's been a roller coaster ride emotionally, but very well worth it.
Maxalmon...the mushrooms are really cool. I bought that rock with only 3 tiny shrooms on it at about 1-2 inches diameter each, it now has about 10 shrooms that are each about 3-4 inches each.
Fun and exciting!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Thats so cool. When I get some clowns I hope they host something.
Just give them time, they'll probably find something that appeals to them.
My pair of clowns have been in my 37gal for almost 2 years and finally within the last 3-4 months started hosting with the mushrooms...as with everything in this hobby, patience.
Lisa :happyfish