Tank Upgrade Help


I am planning on upgrading my tank but I have one major concern. I currently have crushed coral substrate. When I upgrade I would like to switch this out with sand. Now, my concern is, how will this affect my tank? Is there any chance of an ammonia/nitrite spike because of it? I am planning on using Arrag-Alive sand when I switch.


Active Member
You may get a small spike b/c of the sand. But when I made the switch I placed about a couple of pounds of my CC in mesh bags (actually they were and pair of my wifes new nylons) and put them in my sump for some added bio-good stuff. Make sure you check the expiration date on the sand. Try and keep as much old water as possible and match any new water to the old. I wouldn't add any new livestock until you're sure things have settled down.
You should be fine.