tank upgrade


New Member
I am upgrading from a 29 tall to a 75. On my 29 I used a bio-wheel with an aquaclear 75 w/d, live sand, and about 30 pounds of rock,
for about 6 mos.
My inhabitants are one Tomato Clown, a cleaner wrasse and a powder blue tang.
My lighting is vho and 400 watts.
Would it be okay to move everything over to the 75? Will it recycle and possibly kill my fish? If so is there anyway to make it go faster?


Wicked in the DIY Equipment board there is an excellent discussion on moving from a 29 to a 55 gallon.
It offers some tips and tricks.
The post was entered within the last couple of days.
Good luck.


Active Member
It's not really that much of a problem to upgrade your tank. The sand bed in your 29G has alot of the bacteria in your sand. When I upgraded from my 30G to a 75G I dumped everything into the 75: water, sand, everything. Of course you are going to need to buy more sand. Go to the LFS and buy some live sand. That should also help. Be careful buying more live rock, make sure that it has been cured. As far as the fish I really don't know how the powder blue tang is going to do, they are very delicate and get stressed out easily. You may want to quarantine him until you have set up the new tank with more sand and live rock and then do a water test to make sure everything is ok.


if you have room to have both tanks i would buy any additional rock and/or sand and add that 1st maby let that cycle then after the cycle move the ls and lr in your 29 it shouldn't really affect it to much if you do this i did this from a 38 to a 75. i added some fresh lr after the cycle from a lfs and my test readings didnt change at all ;)


don't add the tang for a while. I upgraded from a 55 to a 135, let the tank cycle for a month, aded my tang and then BAM no tang. I was really upset. Tangs need a really well established biosphere to exist. YOu are going to need a lot more lr and LS get those and have you tank cycled before you add you little critters.