
huma huma6

There is this 30 gallon tank for sale in my area for 150 bucks. I has everything. Wetdry, skimmer, corals, 50 lbs of live rock, sand, heater, and like t6 lighting.
I went to see it and i looked alright. They stuff would need some cleaning but it still worked good. Corals are healthy but there are like only 4. Theres a couple starfish. the guy let it go for a little while though and theres tons of hair algae all over it. Should i buy it? Its been for sale for like a month so i probably could get it for 80-100 bucks.


At 80-100 it isn't a bad deal if everything is healthy. Buying an established tank has its ups and downs, but no more than starting a new one does.
A couple starfish in a 30 gallon doesn't sound promising. They are probably not appropriately homed in such a small tank. You may end up needing to get rid of them for their own well-being.


Active Member
you could easialy spend over 400$ trying to set up a new 30 with that kind of hardware, i say grab the tank and spend the extra 300 making it look great