Tankmates for a Porcupine puffer


I currently have an 80G tank that had completely cycled and a little over 2 weeks ago I put a 4 inch porcupine puffer into it. He is so cool!!! Within 1 day he was eating and coming up to the glass whenever someone walked by the tank. A couple of days ago I put a 2 inch Niger trigger into the tank. The LFS told me that since the puffer had been given a chance to establish his territory that it should be OK with the trigger. WRONG!! Within 24 hours the trigger had claimed the whole tank and would not leave the puffer alone even though he was bigger. The LFS took the trigger back for store credit until I decided what I wanted instead. They made a couple of suggestions, but I decided to give the puffer some time to recover. Any suggestion about what would go with the puffer and be OK? I was thinking of maybe another kind of trigger or a tang. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


You MIGHT be able to put a yellow tang in there, I have never had one but know they don't need huge tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by leftyblite
I currently have an 80G tank that had completely cycled and a little over 2 weeks ago I put a 4 inch porcupine puffer into it. He is so cool!!! Within 1 day he was eating and coming up to the glass whenever someone walked by the tank. A couple of days ago I put a 2 inch Niger trigger into the tank. The LFS told me that since the puffer had been given a chance to establish his territory that it should be OK with the trigger. WRONG!! Within 24 hours the trigger had claimed the whole tank and would not leave the puffer alone even though he was bigger. The LFS took the trigger back for store credit until I decided what I wanted instead. They made a couple of suggestions, but I decided to give the puffer some time to recover. Any suggestion about what would go with the puffer and be OK? I was thinking of maybe another kind of trigger or a tang. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Yellow Tang or Kole Tang or SnowFlake Eel or same size Clown Fish( no one give me crap about that one, I had them together, puffer never bothered him) or There are a bunch of things you can put in there, what do you want to put in there? You musta got a nasty Niger Trigger, I had one in there with a puffer also, never a problem with them either. I guess its all in the personality of the fish too.


I've has a couple of people tell me the same thing about a trigger, but after watching it happen that day I'm inclined to agree that I might have just gotten one with a very bad attitude. . The lady at the LFS Told me that most of the time Niger triggers and Puffers get along just fine.


I would really like to put anohter Niger Trigger in the tank. Should I wait a couple more weeks before I try again or give up on the whole Niger Trigger idea? I realy like the triggers, but I my puffer will always be my favorite.


Active Member
Originally Posted by leftyblite
I would really like to put anohter Niger Trigger in the tank. Should I wait a couple more weeks before I try again or give up on the whole Niger Trigger idea? I realy like the triggers, but I my puffer will always be my favorite.

Sure , if you have the patience, you could wait a few weeks and get another one. Hoping he has a better personality. But don't yank the trigger right away if you see him picking at teh puffer. Give them some time together, he may just give up and leave him alone. Watch to see if he really goes at him, or just picks, the puffer can handle himself, remember he does have a defense.


Thanks Saltfan, you're probably right, I should have maybe waited a day or two to see if everyone would settle in. I'm going to wait a couple of more weeks and then try again. Again thanks for the advice to all!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by leftyblite
I would really like to put anohter Niger Trigger in the tank. Should I wait a couple more weeks before I try again or give up on the whole Niger Trigger idea? I realy like the triggers, but I my puffer will always be my favorite.

personally i would avoid any triggers or wrasses in your tank unless you want something like a bird wrasse(these are active but dont harass other fishlike most wrasses do) your tank size doesnt allow enough terriirory for each agressive species.so these fish wount do well with your porc.stress is the last thing you want for your puffer and triggers can be very stressful tank mates.IMO


Thanks for the advice. I bought a yellow tang yesterday and he is curently in my QT tank. This morning he seemed to eat just fine. Hopefully soon after I verify everything is OK, I'll put him in the main tank with the puffer.


Originally Posted by unleashed
personally i would avoid any triggers or wrasses in your tank unless you want something like a bird wrasse(these are active but dont harass other fishlike most wrasses do) your tank size doesnt allow enough terriirory for each agressive species.so these fish wount do well with your porc.stress is the last thing you want for your puffer and triggers can be very stressful tank mates.IMO
I agree 100%. I have a niger and porc puffer together and it works fine, but they are in a 6ft 125 tank which I think is the minimum size needed for a porc. The yellow tang is a good idea, a butterfly fish, maybe some adult maroon clowns. The problem is you should be getting bold fish that are his size or bigger. Since you have an 80gl, you can't really do too many big fish though. Right around 6" was when my porc puffer started nipping at the other fish, so be ready for it in case it happens. He will definitely be the fastest growing fish in your tank, they grow like weeds. Good luck with your tanks, porc puffers are one of my favoritte fish. Great personality. :happyfish


I agree with their personality. My 4 year old loves him because whenever she comes to the tank he comes right down to her eye level and follows her when she moves.


Just noticed you are from rialto. I went to simpson elementary. Now I'm over in NC though. I miss california, great place to grow up as a kid.