Tankmates for agressive Niger Trigger?


New Member
I have a 72gal , a small 3in Niger Trigger (I know he may outgrow tank someday, will prob upgrade) and a burrfish. Problem is, my little trigger thinks she is queen of the world. She kills small fish. Burrfish, could care less about anything... not aggressive. Are there any fish suitable to go with Niger, that are big enough to not be eaten, but not too small for the tank? I'd really like a few more fish, and hubby wont give up the Niger.

small triggers

Active Member
foxface, wrasse, tangs,, another type of trigger, but all of these will outgrow your tank and the more fish you put in the faster this will happen...aggressiveness is brought out by territory size, and as the trigger gets larger, any fish including your burrfish can get harmed.


A foxface will be ok in a 72gal but IMHO not a good tankmate for an agressive niger. I have a large foxface and the last niger I had was so agressive, it wouldn't let the foxface eat, constantly terrorized it. The foxface is not a fish that will fight back.
The reason I recommended a humu is because it's agressive, can stand up to a niger and is a very slow grower. It'll take it forever to outgrow your tank.