Tanks done w/ cycle, what to buy next??


I'm new to this forum so please take it easy on me. I have 135 gallon tank and currently have 6 damsels-- 1-domino, 2-3 stripe, 2-yellowtail, 1-blue devil. Tank has been up and running for almost two months. First month was with a 75 gallon then switch everything to a 135 gallon. This is what I would like to put in the tank in time.
1-Flame Angel
1-Yellow Tang OR
1-Powder Blue Tang
1-Blue Hippo Tang
2-4 Clownfish
1-Royal Gramma
1-Copperband Butterfly
1-Porcupine Puffer
I would like to know what I could add next to my tank. And is this a good list or not. I'm between the yellow tang or the Powder Blue. And how long till I could but more fish in? Tank looks alittle empty, time to fill with fish. Please help thanks.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Hkoch45
1-Flame Angel
1-Yellow Tang OR
1-Powder Blue Tang
1-Blue Hippo Tang
2-4 Clownfish
1-Royal Gramma
1-Copperband Butterfly
1-Porcupine Puffer

Well, for starters, agression factors will be easier for you if you take out the damsels right now before adding anything else. As far as tangs go, the yellow will be much easier and less likely to get disease than the powder blue or blue hippo tang. I would only put one tang in a tank that small. 2 clownfish would be good, they would probably school. The royal gramma would be fine. Copperband butterflies are sometimes manageable in captivity, but most people have trouble with them, I would recommend you stay away from them. The porcupine puffer should be ok. Read up on puffers though, there is a lot of things you need to do to keep them successfully, same goes for the yellow tang. Both need a varied/enriched diet for good health. 4 clownfish would work, but I would probably go with 2.

tony detroit

Active Member
More importantly before you go fish shopping. What are you running for filtration? Pumps, skimmer, RO water, etc??? Describe it briefly.


Running Proclear aquatics wet/dry, don't have skimmer yet I was told I really don't need one for fish only but planning to buy one if fish load in tank becomes high. 4 Aquaclear 401 powerheads, ProHeat heater. Thanks for the above info.


Well, I was like you and never had a skimmer in my tank. Worked pretty well for about 5 years. Now that I have a skimmer, the water is crystal clear and I would not run without one. Wait till the cup fills up with brown/green liq. Do you want that in your tank?????
I had a Pro heat heater and it stopped working after 2 days. I sent it back, last week, to WON for a replacement. I also got the pro heat 2 for a backup.
I would do like a 15 to 20% water change on tank then slowly add fish.
I like bio-balls, you just need to make sure they are clean.
Lastly, just do some homework on the fish you want BEFORE buying. Some fish do not like eachother and some get very large.


I would recommend adding any angels or yellow tangs last. They are the least accepting of new fish after they have been established in a tank. I would also recommend only 2 clowns, juveniles if they are not already a mated pair. That way they eventually will become a pair. Definitely take out the damsels.
Also, definitely get a skimmer. If you see what these things pull out of your water, you will be shocked you never had one before. For the people who say they don't need one, they would never pour what ends up in the collection cup back into their tanks. The stuff is nasty. Don't be discouraged about the copperband. Just make sure you feed it a variety of fresh and frozen foods. Don't rely on flake or pellet for these guys.