Tanks That Meet Their End


Active Member
Have you ever had a tank crash and loose and had to start from scratch? Ot had to get rid of a tank?
I have. My 24 G aqaupod had a heater malfunction and it raised the temp to 104 and it killed 2 years of work in a matter of hours.


I had a 12g nanocube crack from drilling after we had bought a skimmer, all the plumbing, and built the sump.. Thank goodness we had two tanks running so I could transfer everything.


Well-Known Member

Sniff, sniff I still am crying over my 90g tank. Last year I had an old heater that I should have replaced break in half and shock the tank.
My inverts were frozen in place ...dead. I lost almost all my corals $1500.00 worth by estimation; I have not yet begun to rebuild the reef. As my serpent star fish moved and traveled across the tank its arms fell off.
All the tiny critters in the sand were killed, to say my tank was off balance is an understatement. I didn't lose a single fish, but my nitrates were so high and nothing could bring it down but daily water changes.
In the aftermath of that disaster...my sump/refugium was made to try and fix things so I can again have corals...but that’s another story.
I now only have Titanium heaters and only in the sump.
I'm not sure how you would classify a velvet outbreak(killed all my fish in 48hours). I guess that could be not understanding the hobby, or contamination?