

penny ish

Im thinking about getting a new tank. Perferably a 15-20 gal tank. Any recommendations on a brand or certain make? I have a eclipse 8 gal running right now but i was told that the lighting isnt that great..


all glass aquariums are pretty much the industry standard. Ive never had a problem with mine. and you can find them just about anywhere aquariums are sold, and they come in black or woodgrain finish.

penny ish

yes i have a slat water running already, i have a perc clown, watchmen gobi, pistol shrimp, feather duster, 2 turbo snails, a few mushroom coral and one more coral that my gf put in that that i have no clue what it is (it has bright green blub tips connected to light brown finger looking thing) 2 live rocks and live sand. The tank is a ecplise 12 gal. My only concern is, i am afraid that the lighting is not good enough to keep these corals alive and i really would like to but a small anemone in there for my clown fish. But then i would be back to my lighting problem. I am also just using the standard filter that came with it.

penny ish

and yes i know this may sound like a dumb question but should i have the light on all the time since i have coral in there now??? right now i am just leaving it on for about 7hours or less. (i have no idea what my gf was thinking when she put this in when we both have no clue on how to care for them!!!!!) :confused:


your shrooms might be ok depending on what type of shrooms they are. purple shrooms are the most hardy. If you upgrade to a 20 gal I would reccomend some good strong pc lighting around 150-200 w (depending on the depth of the tank) and that should be enough to keep most LPS softies and polyps. remember research before you buy and after you reasearch ask on this site

penny ish

My mushrooms are the small spotted gren ones, and the other coral my gf waid it was like a green tipped hammered? ring any bells?? has like bright green dots that are connected to brown finger like things that connect it to the base.
My question is, since i have corals in teh tank and i've noticed they seem to look better with the light, how long do i need to leave the light on in the tank for?? right now i leave it on for about 7 hours. thanks


Active Member
8hrs a day should be fine. :D
Sounds like a hammer coral.
Could also be a frogspawn..need picture to be sure.


On your tank question I bought one from petsmart here in IL only because it came with a lifetime warranty with the sales slip. If the tank breaks under normal conditions they will replace it. Lifetime warranty? I don't think it covers the 55 gallons of saltwater on my carpet and replacement of the floor but I could get a new tank because that's under warranty. I would look at the purchase of any new tank and see if a warranty comes with it.