

Hey, I was wondering where I could get a big tank at. Probably 150 gallons or so. I was hoping I could find one at the pet store, but the largest they had was 55 gallons. Also, if anyone has any good plans on how to make one cheap let me know.... Thanks.


Active Member
unless you are building a VERY large tank the cost of the glass normaly far offsets the cost of just buying one.
if you go to a Aquarium store not just a regular pet store you are sure to find bigger tanks.
look up aquariums in your yellow pages.


Active Member
Hey AceHigh were you located at in PA? If you don't mind the drive you can check out the place in Lancaster PA and they will have any size tank you want and if they don't have it in stock they can order it in for you.
Personally I wouldn't touch building a big tank and put it in my living room or house for that matter......Something of that size leave to the professionals to build.....They have the knowledge and expertise to do it, and you wouldn't save any money doing it yourself other than the satisfaction of saying you built it....Glass gets rather expensive, but if you want to build it yourself you might want to opt for acrylic though


if you are close to new jersey i just bought a aga 150 gal rr just the tank for $408'
they have very good prices. i was just up in pa at the place acrylic51 is talking about i love that place. :joy:


Active Member
You love that place????? You can't beat their prices on dry goods anywhere, but their fish and coral selection is poor.....I don't buy anything there but dry goods.... They do have a good selection of tanks and will get you what you want....if it's something special order you'll have to deal with Andy.


Active Member
wow... theres a pet stor in Williams town Nj that sell tanks for great prices... i got my 155 bow front for $650.... perdy cheap i say for a new BF tank.. and looking to buy a 55 long from there for $85 in a month or soo for a fuge...


GARFdotORG and build a plywood one! Would be interesting, and fun. Im gonna build a small one in the future, but someone has built a 250gal on there.


I've got a 150 all-glass brand with the stand for sale cheap great shape if your interested. but you would have to drive to IA to pick it up. Heres a pic of it, were upgrading to a 210.
