Tap tap tap - Hey Mods!!


Active Member
Um...hi...don't mean to intrude, but if you all could kindly take a look at the post in the "Classifieds" forum entitled "29 gallon tank setup 4 sale/great deal" and take a look at the thread that Snailheave was kind enough to link there...I'm sure we all would appreciate it.
That "newbiereef" has a lot of sand coming back here after what went down.


Staff member
Mimzy, I love the picture of your cat. He looks totally content...as if he has just been sniffing catnip! LOL


Active Member
LoL, thanx Beth - yah, she is quite a contented cat - content to claim all the comfiest furniture in the house as her own. :yes:
She actually goes INSANE on catnip...her pupils dilate and she twitches like MAD.... as though she's posessed! I wouldn't want to post a pic...it'd give people nightmares


Active Member
IME its best to just click the little red triangle at the top right of a bad post and explain why. I think SWF responds quiker to those warnings from ppl.
Im not saying that the Mods dont do a good job cause IMO they do fine its just that thats why the triangle is there.


Active Member
oh thanx Dogstar!! I didnt even know about the triangle! This might prove to be useful....
Learn something new every day around here...about fish or not! :happy:


Active Member
ha ha... since you all love my kitty so much, I shall post pictures for you to look at...
Her name is Whisky, my Husband rescued her from a shelter. She's around four.
And it's HER apartment, of course.

The first is a pic of her that was taken b4 she came to sniff the camera in the shot that is my avatar.
The second is the princess just waking up in my Husband's old apartment.
The third is a pose, b/c she's ready for her closeup now, Mr. Deville.
The fourth is an example of how well she has the rest of us trained.
The 5th is the little darling faaaaast asleep on her...ottoman empire.
