Tap water filter.

I was flipping through the P** wharehouse magazine and came across a tap water filter. The add read:
"Tap" into the Secret of Economical Pure Water
Tap Water Filter Filters tap wate through absorption oxidation and ion exchange processes. Attaches to any faucet and treats 50 - 150 Gallons of water before a refill cartridge is needed. Complete with univesal faucet adapter, extension tube, connector and bottles of Electro-Right and pH Adjuster. For only 29.95.
Do you think this would be a waste of my time of should I get since I can not afford a RO unit?

bobby digital

New Member
Adam, I purchased the Tap water purifier from my LFS for about twice what you see it for... It does function quite well and will remove just about all the nasties from your tap water... The only downside is that the cartridge life is nowhere near 50-150 gal... That is, of course, dependent on the quality of your water supply. At close to the price of a new unit for a replacement DI resin chamber, you will just about pay for a barebones RO unit in a few months.... Another option would be to run the tap water purifier in-line with an activated carbon sediment filter from home ***** ... that should make each cartridge last a bit longer....
Hope this helps,


I use the tap water purifier and I seen to have good luck. However, I live in an area of great water quality straight from the tap. However, if I had a lot of minerals and salts in my water I would go for the RO?DI units. I have thought about an RO/DI unit, but I am getting good results so I do not see the need to change. I get about 100 gallon between changes. I do purchase all of then on line and I manage to get them fro about $16 each.