tap water for water changes?


New Member
Ive had my 50 gallon tank for 6 months now.I dont like using tap water with a declorinator solution for replacing evaporated water and water changes because my tap water has nitrates. I was wondering what water i should use instead? Im too cheap and dont want to buy an Ro unit. I heard that distilled water has no nutrients or trace elements, so its probably a bad idea. Would normal botteled water like arrowhead be the best?


Staff member
Publix Grocery Store sells bottled water that is RO [however, it does have a bit of phosphates in it]. Also, where I come from, I pay at 63cents for bottled water, and this can add up....thus, if you're cheap, then perhaps you best stay with the tap water. Or you can use distilled, and add supplements of whatever you think you need. Frankly, I have been using RO bottled for a yr now, and I don't see any great improvement to anything, thus, I might go back to tap myself.