Tap water to RO water


New Member
I've had a saltwater tank for the past three years and have had some success. However, over those years I haven't taken proper care of the tank. I've recently moved to Iowa and the lfs is limited in supplies and knowledge and luckily found this board for help.
Currently, I'm using tap water for replacing evaporated water and water changes. I've located a vendor that sells ro water and would like to start using it for water replacement. I have two green chromis and a chocolate chip star, so draining the tank and replacing the water isn't an option. My quarantine tank is being used by someone else for pond fish over the winter. Do you need a special container to hold the ro water, the vendor talked about some polycarbonate tank that prevents leaching?


Active Member
I would test his water first before buying. Test for PO4(Phosphate) and SiO2(silicate).
You may store this water in any plastic container.


New Member
Common problem, or not? I've never tested any water for phosphates. I've just tested for nitrate, nitrites, ph, and ammonia. Can he do a test, or should I pick one up at my lfs?


Mant I just moved to Chicago from Iowa City. A really good LFS is "Sea of Marvels" in Iowa City. It is a saltwater only store, run by one person(really nice guy). He has a website. Do a yahoo search for "sea of marvels".