Tap Water???


New Member
I have 75g tank running for 1 1/2 yrs now. One damsel died during new tank cycle.
6 damsels(3kinds/2 a pair) :joy:
10 nas snails(5pairs) :joy:
8 hermit crabs(4pairs) :joy:
PH 8.2
100 lb LS, wet/dry filter, 50gal bio/media filter,mag 7 pump, seaclone150 protein skimmer(it works great) no LR, no ref tank.
I grow my own live rocks(yes i'm cheap) with coralline algea grows on it now.

This is what i do before tap mix with salt, fill tap in my 30gal reserve tank; decho,running homemake filter(carbon,pha remover) , viacom 1800 pump for two days then mix with salt. Later test for ph, rite,rate,ammo, sal, temp.
I have been using tap water since tank setup, no algea outbreak or any neg effect. I'm thinking about adding new fish now (pair foxface, pair naso tang and 1 toby puffer).
If I contiune with what i'm doing now(tap water) will I running into problem(s) down the road?? :notsure:


Active Member
eventually i think you will run into a problem u say u have 2 naso tangs in a 75 2 fox face and a puffer . i do find it hard to believe alll your water perameters are perfect giving the situation . the 2 nasos will quickly out grow this tank they need to be in at least a 180. tap water has alot of heavy metels in it , nitrates,nitrites,amonia,radium,phosphates and so on so yes eventually you will have a problem imo


Active Member
I'd switch over to RO/DI because you don't want to take chances in this hobby. Damsels are pretty hardy fish so they generally won't show any visible signs in tap water of harm, but other fish are a lot more suseptable to less than perfect water conditions and once you've bough an RO/DI machine there shouldn't be any extra cost.
On that note, I would skip the naso tangs because (as was mentioned above) they need a lot of swimming room.
You said you grow your own LR. What does that mean? I use half LR half base rock in my system and the LR leaches onto the base rock. Is that what you mean? If so, that should be fine, but it is really important to have LR of some sort in your system if you want it to be healthy and thrive.