Tap Water

nm reef

Active Member
No idea...I haven't seen it recently. But there may have been problems resulting from some members position on the use of tap water. I've taken the position of respectfully dis-agreeing with some of the recent advice seen here...at the same time some members have become way too critical and those types of attitudes can result in flame fests that in turn result in deletions of threads.
Other than that I really don't know what happen to the thread.:cool:


Active Member
Cheers NMReef
Can I for the record publicly sate that I do not agree with the views of a certain macro lover with high nitrates.
I feel I have been grouped with him because of the deleted thread.
Cheers me dears.


I am all for Bob trying out his ideas and posting them here, but I agree with you Kip in that I hate seeing someone ask about cycling and reading over and over again about Mollies and Macro Algae in display.
I personally love the idea of macro in the display, but defer to the more experienced people who say that it can be difficult if not impossible to rid yourself of. So I have stuck to the shaving brush. I have also read that if you don't pick up the droppings of your macro algae that it releases all of its toxins it has been pulling out of the water (nitrates and phosphates) all at once which can cause a crash fast! This may even be what has happened to Bob but who knows.
I wish him the best on his experiments, but I have learned on this board to read as many posts as possible and go with the majority opinion until proven wrong. There are many minority positions that can work depending on various factors, but usually on something like this the majority opinion wins.
I think tap water falls into this category. What is rarely mentioned is the quality of the tapwater from those using it (myself included) and how much adding they have to do. For example, I didn't have high wattage lighting till this week so I hadn't had to top off but once in a 6 week period. Already this week I have had to do another top-off. This will obviously make a huge difference if you aren't adding that much water.


Active Member
have also read that if you don't pick up the droppings of your macro algae
Macro algae poops??????


lol :D You know what I mean. Leaves break off, fish feed off of them and break them off etc. Any pieces not part of the whole. Geez....next time I will specify. :cool:


Active Member
The author of the post could have deleted it. He was bummed it turned out the way it did.
I really don't think anyone has become to critical, I think it's just getting tiresome debating the same old issues.
I agree with people posting alternative methods as long as the big picture is relayed and they do not mislead others.
We all have strong opinions on these issues so a little head butting is to be expected. The most important thing is to provide as much accurate information as possible to allow others to make educated decisions.
So.... Group Hug :D

madd catt

Yes,and you can also add emerald crabs to that too mine pulled or snip the shaving brushes,i dont think they had time to root. well they were there until the crab{s} decided they liked them.


Just a curiosity question - how long have people been using ro/di in saltwater aquariums and what did they do before the now easy accessibility and cost of ro/di? Were all aquariums in terrible shape then?

madd catt

They had declorinators from jungle labs and novaqua from korden but i think that some folks had ro di or water distillers back in the late 70s before they were popular.