Tap Water


New Member
I am starting a 30 gallon tank tomorrow, and am wondering if it is OK to use conditioned tap water to fill the tank, and then use distilled water for the changes, or should I fill the whole tank with distilled water. The tank will start off as fish only, but I'll probably change to a mini-reef tank in the future.


You can use tap water to fill your tank without any problems. Just make sure to stick with distilled of reverse osmosis water for your water changes.


Staff member
Since you have a small system, I'd opt for the bottled RO or distilled. If you want to go with tap, then pull out your test kits, and test the tap water. If it has anything, like phosphates and/or nitrates, then think again about using the RO or distilled water. One of the main problems with a new tank is the BROWN algae that begins growing there almost immediately. And, yes, this is a necessary and natural element, you don't and won't have to put up with as much of it if you start of with the cleanest water that you can get. Algae uses nitrates and phosophates [common in many tap waters] for food source; thus the more food, the more algae.


Active Member
If you can swing it, use RO or distilled for everything. Initial tank filling and top-offs. I wish I had done so, my 55 gallon tank is still showing some signs of phosphates I'm pretty sure got in there from my tap water. I've tested the tap and they are present in small amounts, but none the less, they are there.
Good luck today setting up your tank, and as always ~ HAVE FUN !!!