what else is in there? tessy's usually do best in an isolated tank by themselves. they will eat anything else including triggers, puffers, etc. they are extremely aggressive, and i have only seen them several times being kept w/ other fish. bo
I didn't get the tank yet, when I do, i'm orderin one from swf.com, or askin my lfs to get a small(10 in.). When it gets bigger I will trade it in, and then probbibly get a zebra. But it'll be around 10 in. and the fish will be around 5 in.
I have a zebra eel that is the most docile creature I have ever met. Way more laid back than the manatees in rainbow river. I hand feed him shrimp, with my bare hand. Never been bitten. That'd be quite a change from the tessalata. (If that's how you say it)
a tessalata is another one of the biggest morays available. i suggest you look into something small like a zebra. they are cool looking eels but it will grow to be very large. i ve seen green morays returned because of that fact. it was dispayed in a 200g and still looked to small for it.
Ya, I was goin to get azebra, but I got the idea of a tasseleta, and wanted to know if I could get it. Wish I could get one, there awesome lookin, guess i'll get the zebra. There cool to.