tassle filefish


has anyone ever kept a tassle filefish i saw one at the lfs and i liked it but idk what there needs are there arent a lot of relevant sites online so any input would b great thanx


Active Member
This is just purely fyi, cause I think it's just cool to know. Filefish are in the Tetraodontiformes order, which includes Triggers, puffers, cowfish/trunkfish, and the largest of all bony fish, the Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola). These groups of fish are quite different from most 'standard' fish (tangs, angels, damsels, groupers, snappers, etc). They evolved from standard fish a very long time ago, very early on in the development of the fishes we have today. (Also a fun fact, fishes is a word, and I used it correctly there. Fishes is used when you are referring to multiple groups of different fish).
Care for the tassle filefish isn't that much different then standard filefish. There are quite hardy like most Tetraodontiformes
, but unlike most triggers, filefish tend to be laid back fish and aren't typically aggressive. Tassle filefish are one of the larger filefish, and grow much larger then a dinner plate. Tankmates can be a problem with them, all those 'tassels' can be picked on by other fish (sort of like freshwater angelfish and tankmates). Diet should be mostly meaty foods, fresh is best, and sized appropiate for the fish, since tassle filefish are commonly available in such a wide size variety, from tiny juvi's, to huge adults.