TBSaltwater's LR


About two-three weeks ago I added 8 pounds of live rock purchased from Tbsaltwater. For some reason that I can't figure out my ammonia levels are starting to skyrocket yet they have been fine for the last three weeks or so. When I spoke with tbsaltwater they said there would be minimal die off but wouldn't that have happened immediately and not three weeks later? My tank had been established for 2 1/2 months before I put anything new in (fish or otherwise). My fish are showing signs of ich and I am afraid I will lose them. I have been doing water changes daily to keep the levels down but they don't seem to be helping. HELP!!!!


oh yeah I forgot the lr that I got have what look like clams or osyters in them. They are alive and well because they open and close throughout the day. Are they something that I should rid my tank of or are they okay? One looks like you typical osyter shell connected to a rock. The other is pretty cool looking actually and is wider rather than longer.


you could be feeding too much leaving uneaten food to contaminate the water or there might have been some type of large hitch hiker in the LR you did not know about that died or your LR could be dying off for some reason
if you are certain you have ich in the tank now; preferably remove all fish to a Q tank for upwards of 3 weeks & treat w/ hyposalinity leaving the main tank empty of fish for that period as well; w/o a host, ich will die off
being as you have LR & possibly other inverts in your main tank, you will not be able to treat w/ hyposaliinty in the main tank; adding most medications to the main tank may farthar stress the tank as well or be detrimental in the long run


what are my options if I don't have a Q tank? I definetely plan on setting one up but what about in the interim? I have been running salt tanks for years and never have had this much trouble it is killing me. While a UV sterilizer solve the ich problem? I have three fish left (2 three striped damsels, 1 large spotted hawkfish--all are still eating and breathing is normal). I started soaking my food in garlic but only just recently. Thanks for your advice.


treating w/ the garlic might buy you time until you are able to establish a Q tank; garlic seems to be a 50/50 shot at best; I think it was mentioned only affects 1 stage of ich
sorry, that is about the only general suggestions I can think of at this time


what about buying a uv sterilizer? I was just looking at an Emper. 40w for roughly $154. While that solve the ich problem? Thanks.


Back to the lr, what about the oyster/clam/mussel looking things attached to the rock. Are these a problem? Also the rock is gulf rock and if you aren't familar with it, it is "grown" (lack of a better word) off the coast of Tampa Bay area. Beautiful lr but comes with a lot of stuff that some people find desirable and others say to avoid (as with everything in this hobby). The rock itself has sponges and other items that are ball shaped with one or two holes that look like the tip of a sponge. They are all sorts of different colors (yellow, blue, orange, ect) and really add some contrast to the tank but could they be harmful? Ya'll familar with such stuff? Thanks


Do you know if the lr rock was allready cured or uncured.If it wasn't cured you probably having die off.Do you have a lfs you could take the fish to and have them quarantine them for you.


When I spoke with tbsaltwater they said there is no curing process because it never leaves the water because the drive from the off shore site to the store is not that far. As a result tbsaltwater said any die off would be minimal if at all. Taking to the lfs is a good idea but I am not too sure how they handle such requests. I only know of three places in Tampa and two of the owners are complete a-holes. I completely stopped going to one because the owner is always there and is very condescending but it is worth a shot. Anyone heard about the ball shaped sponges I described? Thanks for all the help.


I too have purchased LR from tbsaltwater (70lbs). All of mine has done great! I also recieved a few oysters in mine and no problems at all. I have had it for 8months or so. All my perimeters are perfect
I had a few crabs on the LR that I diposed of but no problems. Is is normal for amonia to spike due to die off....but i dont think you could get ich from it. I have been there several times and they dont keep fish in there LR holding systems. I would do the quarintine tank and hyposalinty as mentioned.
I too have some of the sponges on my LR and no problems here.....

salty james

Yep.. I bought my LR there also.. No problems here apart from Mantis shrimp. (drove me crazy catching the Bstd)Other than that had a little spike from the LR but not much...
I agree with hypo for ich. Go to walmart spend $30 on a 10gallon. Place fish in tank, and begin lowering the salinaty. Lower slowly, and raise even slower. Lower over about a week. raise over two weeks. I have had great sucess with this method, and recommend this to all who have ich.
What LFS are you visiting in Tampa ?


I use about three different lfs. The one that I use for most everything is Marine Warehouse on Hillsborough ave. I am pretty loyal to Westside Petstore also mainly because he is honest and his prices are the best in town. Only problem is his stock is limited. The third I rarely speak of because the owner is an a-hole, condescending punk. I believe the name is Creative Oceans located on S. Dale Mabry. I have heard of another store on Hillsborough that a buddy goes to that has really good stuff but have yet to check it out. What about ya'll?


Hey, I am pretty sure I know what caused the NH3 spike. I too got my LR from TBS. I know exactly what the ball sponges you are talking about. I had a couple on my LR when I got it. I wanted to pull it off before I put it in the tank, but my GF convinced me to wait and see how it did. Well, about 1 month later the sponge started to turn white and die, so I yanked it out of the tank. My guess is that the same is happening to yours. Check the sponge and if any of it looks white or like it is dieing take it out of the tank. I also have home mussels? on my LR and they are doing fine thus far. HTH
Good luck

nm reef

Active Member
Some of what you are describing sounds like sponges and tunicates. Possible that some of these ..or some other critter/critters have died and thats the source of ammonia spike. Spike in ammonia may be leading to stress which has bearing on the recent ick.
I'd look at removal of the fish and/or corals...let the system complete its mini cycle. During that time if possible treat the ick as mentioned. Tough situation to be in...hopefully down the road things will work out. Minor little mess right now though....best of luck!!