Teacher - What to add?


I have a 55 currently set up and decided to set up a small tank in my 3rd grade classroom. I have a million ideas to teach the curriculum through the tank (math/social studies/science).
I recieved a free 20 gallon hex tank. I am going to seed with some sand from my 55 and buy another 30 pd bag. Im also going to take about 20 pds of rock from my 55. I am going to buy 2 powerheads, a 75w heater, and a penguin 100. I THINK that should be everything for now.
Since its a 3rd grade class, I want a lot of color and action. I will NOT have corals, so I am thinking possibly:
1 clown
1 firefish
and MAYBE a watchman or royal gamma
what do you think?
As far as inverts, I was thinking the usual cleanup crew and maybe a coral banded shrimp OR a cleaner. Im sure the kids would love them.
Any other ideas of thoughts, thanks.


oh yeah one more ?
Since Im using some sand and live rock from my tank, should I also use some of my water from my tank or should I buy 20 gallons of new salt water. Or does it matter?


Your fish choice sounds good and interesting. I would do about ten gallons of water from your tank and maybe a fresh ten gallons. The more you use the more "pre-cycled" your new tank will be i guess. If water parameters are good just use water from a water change or something.


Active Member
What about a goby/shrimp pair to teach them about symbiotic relationships in nature, fun to watch too


I would do a pair of clowns, not just one, they would be happier! And the shrimp/goby things sounds cool. Just make sure you quarantine all your fish and use RODI water.


Active Member
id use cleaner shrimp, just because coral bandeds can get nasty. a pistol shrimp and goby sounds like a good idea, with a pair of clowns.


Active Member
Good for you, that's a great idea!
My sisters a 3rd grade teacher as well, I've heard the challenges of making things intersting at that age.
I'd go with two Ocellaris' and a watchman goby.
Who's going to do water changes and water tests, the good students or the bad?

And to think I was always cleaning erasers and emptying trash cans when i got in trouble in school (13 yrs of Catholic school, too)