Tek T5's - limited icecap 6 bulb model


what is the difference about this model other then the color and the icecap reflectors? anyhting at all? are the reflectors that much better then teks? to the point i should run this 6 bulb on my 90 for sps/clams rather then a tek 8 bulb. the LFS said 8 bulb is way overkill and not to do it only go a 6.i am going to have alot on the bottom of my tank to i need to know this


well how much better if at all would this icecap 6 bulb be then an 8 bulb tek? i can get an 8 bulb for $20 more...thats alot more power. just need a good answer from people on which one to run.


Active Member
depends upon how deep your tank is how wide it is how much rock work you have. Here is the deal. No one can tell you which light to really run sure. we ask but no one knows your system but you. You have to ultimately come down with the end decision which one will fit into your budget and work out best. in the scenario you have if your tank is open top I would hang the 8 bulb tek over your tank a foot above it if it is not real deep 19 or less deep and a long tank. If it is deep I might go with a 6 bulb on legs but that is just me and I am no pro just going off what I have read and "SEEN" in 200 LFS across the U.S. in the last few years. I am probably wrong but asking everyone else as I have found out really will not help you make up your mind just further your head scratching and wishing you never woulda asked lol.


lol well thanks for that, here is the deal. i have a standard 90 gallon tank. all my rockwork had HUGE arches and sits up 2/3 of the way UP from the bottom all the way across because i want to do SPS. the blue ICECAP tek model only comes in a 6 bulb but has icecap reflectors. i can get the standard tek 8 bulb model for $20 more they are both in my budget and i think i am going to put both on legs no matter what, if i hang them it will still be close like it is on legs.that way it will be about 12-14 inches roghly on all of my sps through the entire tank. i just want to know this, the icecap model with their reflectors,will that be as good as a standard tek 8 bulb? not quite as good? i just want to know which one will be better for my tank. i am going to have a few clams and brains etc at the bottom and 90's are kindave deep. but here again im asking about the reflectors etc. what light is going to make everything grow faster? etc? 108 watts is alot of power can the icecap reflectors match or beat it by just being a better reflector? if i can save myself on buying 2 bulbs and the extra energy etc. why not?> the LFS sais 8 bulb is to much they are running a standard tek 6 bulb on all their sps but i want to do it the BEST i can out of these 2 as they are both in my budget.they are the same thing, just one has better reflectors with 2 less bulbs.


Active Member
i want to do it the BEST i can

I hear ya buddy lol !!!! I am the same way. Honestly even on a 90 gal i would say the 8 bulb is overkill but hey I don't by the 08 Humvee because it has the 6 cyl I bought it because it has the v-8 and waited to get the overkill. I bought it with the tow package the little camera that comes out of the rear view mirror to show me whats behind me etc do I use it no I don't but I have it !!! I do not even own a trailer anymore wtf do I need the tow package for...
When in your position I like to think bigger is better the more bells and whistles it has the better but in this case honestly man i would say the 6 bulb tek lol.
If you really want the 8 bulb get it but as I said it is overkill which it seems you have the same mindset I do. I however will be going with the 6 bulb tek.


will the 6 bulb tek "ice cap edition!!" haha will it grow clams all the way at the bottom, will it grow my sps at the mid/top good ? will and 8 do it any better ? i want what is better for my setup as i would like to start fragging eventually i know they wont grow as fast as with MH but if an 8 will grow then faster then why not? haha. if i can go with a 6 bulb with icecap reflectors i will totally do it, but if the 8 is however better for me then i will do that.


Active Member
How deep is your tank ? I know a 8 bulb my lfs owner had on his 90 gal was too much his anems would end up under rocks to get out of it. He ended up with the 6 bulb in the end ( he wanted overkill as we all do for the most part and with a 90 he thought it would be overkill but it was still too much ) now that is him for you it might be ok though.


my actual tank depth is 25 inches from top trim to bottom trim. but from my water level to my sand is 21.5 inches. i am going to have all sps up top 2/3 the way UP from the bottom it will be about 12-14 inches away from the lights all the way acrossed my tank.anything below that and on the bottom will be lps and clams..i will have atleast 1 clam "probably 2" and a few brains on the bottom..probably 2 or 3 and a sun coral in my biggest cave.this is why i am concerned will a 6 bulb be enough or not. i dont want to have the stuff be "okay" i want it to grow so i can eventually frag it. im not to much into fragging, i would just rather have it grow just incase i want to
i wont have any anemones. i am going to have 1 purple tang, a small school of chromis, maybe 3-4 anthias and a fairy wrasse. everyhting in there will like lots of light so that is why i am wondering about this icecap version , how much better are the reflectors will a 6 bulb icecap model grow ALMOST as good as a standard 8 ? or will the 8 still blow it out of the water and be OKAY?


Active Member
my actual tank depth is 25 inches from top trim to bottom trim. but from my water level to my sand is 21.5 inches
add 4 inches for legs on a tek so I would say the 6 bulb is plenty but it is all upto you man. I do not have a lot of experiance I research a lot as im pretty new into this. ( I did this 20 plus years ago and was totally different then plus I do not remember much if anything from then )
Scopus or perfect dark seem to bbe very well versed in this area plus the phone number I gave you talk to curt or steve ( curt I know is brilliant ) Steve is as well but I speak more to curt but he works for steve so I would say steve knows as much plus curt runs one of the largest websites wet web I think it is with fenner so talking to him is not a bad idea. )


Active Member
6 bulbs or 8 bulbs, with the tek5, u can place the clams and sps where ever u want, except some of the few more light demanding sps of course. i keep my crocea 16 inches from my t5. the derasa 20 inches away on the sandbed. and i hv the nova pro. since tek is much better, u shouldnt hv a problem. i'd worry more about water chemistry when it comes to sps and clams.


i will have that under control no problem, i just want to know is it worth the extra to get the 8 ? will i see more results? better colors?


Active Member
it all depends on how u mix ur t5 bulbs. with t5, u hv so many combinations.
8x54w is not an overkill for a 90 imo. that 2 extra bulbs will gv u a bit more options, u can use for either more colors or more growth. for example, add 2 ati pro-color for more colors or 2 extra 10k white bulbs for growth. if it was me, i'd get 8 bulbs. i got the 6 bc i couldnt get 8 over my 72 bowfront.


Active Member
If I got the 8 i would go two white two blue and two purple for color :) Drex did you get ahold of steve ?


thanks for the help guys i really appreciate it im going to try and get the 8 mostly for better color..and a little growth to. i will contact him to see what i should do. for the price difference an 8 is still in my range. i will have to post pics asap when i get it up and going.. i got rid of all my coral but a huge devils finger i believe its called? "not devils hand" and my cluster of candy coral so i dont havet o much to acclimate to the new light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drex
thanks for the help guys i really appreciate it im going to try and get the 8 mostly for better color..and a little growth to. i will contact him to see what i should do. for the price difference an 8 is still in my range. i will have to post pics asap when i get it up and going.. i got rid of all my coral but a huge devils finger i believe its called? "not devils hand" and my cluster of candy coral so i dont havet o much to acclimate to the new light.

Did you talk to PR to see how much cheaper they can sell them for ?


Active Member
Just so nobody gets confused the LE Tek light DID NOT use Ice Cap reflectors. It was a Tek reflector made from the better Miro V material. It appears they now make all their fixtures with the Miro V now.


well then im defanitely going with an 8 bulb..i talked to the place you told me to"fats71" and we are going to talk more this week. i ALMOST teetered to metal halides..but from what i have been told i can get great growth and even better color from T5's.