Tell me about majono in a FOWLR...


Well? I noticed a 1-2" colony of majono(sp?) growing undernear one of the larger peices of LR. I really don't care, I think they look pretty neat. Is there going to be any negative affects in a FOWLR?


Active Member
they will mulitiply like crazy and be all over your rock work eventually, if your ok with that then I see no other problem being in a fowler tank


They Will Also Get Down In Your Wet Dry, If You Have One. Pain In The But To Get Rid Of If You Have An Over Population Of Them. Breed Like Crazy.


they are not as bad as apistia anemones and much cooler looking but as everyone stated they are a pain and depreciate your rock value if you ever go to sell. I would get ride of them if you ever plan on getting rid of the tank or upgrading into a reef type tank if you let them get out of control now you will pay later if you choose to do something else with the rock.


Active Member
Does anybody know a good way to get rid of them, I've tried but it seems like they come back double everytime I try, there tough little buggers


Active Member
thanks I'll give that a try when I switch tanks, I only have about a million of them so it shouldn't be to bad


Originally Posted by green machine
i believe a certain type of butterfly fish will pick at them to death.
copperband butterfly, and possible a raccoon butterfly
i tried copperband and he wouldnt touch the stuff. but they all ended up melting away when i hypod the tank. lol that worked like a charm