Tell me I didn't wipe out my tank...


Last night I tested my tank pH using an API test kit. After I got the results I was standing next to the tank and dumped the sample back INTO THE TANK! I immediately freaked out a little bit and scoured the web to find how toxic a pH test is, I found nothing. I only had about 3g of mixed saltwater so I changed that out of my 55g tank. I also added a dose of PRIME. As of this morning when I left for work everything was alive and seemed to be OK. Is this going to wipe out everything in my tank? Should I do a bigger water change and hope the best?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
A Cubs Fan would never do something like that .....I think though if it was going to kill or harm any of your livestock ,it would have already.It may have damaged biological filtration though.A large water change couldnt hurt anything though.


Yeah...that can't be good for the tank...I would start mixing for a large water change...I know people have strong opinions about changing out half of your water, but in this case I would...let it start mixing now and don't change it until tomorrow or so unless you see a change in the inhabitants behavior then do it sooner. Get some carbon in there too as soon as possible and hopefully that will help soak up the chemicals...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Ryancw01
Yeah...that can't be good for the tank...I would start mixing for a large water change...I know people have strong opinions about changing out half of your water, but in this case I would...let it start mixing now and don't change it until tomorrow or so unless you see a change in the inhabitants behavior then do it sooner. Get some carbon in there too as soon as possible and hopefully that will help soak up the chemicals...
+1 on carbon...still I would not do more than 30% water change no matter what, unless the whole tank was in real trouble...Since everything still looks healthy, that is not the case...the test stuff is toxic, but very diluted so the carbon should take care of it along with a normal water change to make sure.
Doing a huge water change could hurt the tank critters more than the toxin. As a rule I never do my test near the tank...I take my sample in a container to the table and do my test from that. I think you should change where you do your tests for obvious reasons


Active Member
we're talking about a few drops of a liquid which is based on alkalinity adjustments. you guys are, imo, really over reacting...


Active Member
you dont have to worry about the ph, nitrate, nitrite indicators. You can pout them directly into the tank but it would change the water colours. It shouldnt harm anything just dont do it again!
The ammonia indicators are the only toxic ones. I know this because I bought test strips to try them out and the nitrate nitrite ect. tests, you can just dip the strip right into the tank. But for the ammonia you have to take a water sample then test.


Just got home from work, everybody still looks happy. I might still do a small water change this weekend, I had one planned anyway.

tank a holic

Active Member
you have 8 cc's of chemical in 55 Gallons of water
thats .00003 parts per million
I think you're good

and yes i did the math