Tell me if I'm right....

my percula look sluggish and aren't swimming vibrantly and they look addition they were swimming near the bottome of the tank and appeared to struggle...although they are moving a bit better now near the top....i noticed since i was gone all day my room was warm and the temps were about 82 in the tank....but i'm willing to bet its on other things.... but it seems to me that the percula are on their way out??? Would i be correct in this assumption?


Active Member
What's your tank size? What kind of flow GPH do you have? Where is the flow directed?
what do you mean they're on their way out?
1. 10 gallon
2. no powerhead.. i get water movement from an airstone and returning water from the a powerhead neccessary for a 10 gallon w/o undergravel filtration.
3. Flow goes left to right
4. Are they going to die soon?


I can't believe nobody wants to know test scores...I do.


Active Member
I can't believe nobody is saying anything with regards to an undergravel filter, no powerhead, using an airstone? Waterchanges? Water parameters?


Active Member
So, Even if your not using an under gravel filter it would still be a good idea to run a small power head in your tank for circulation...
An air stone is generally not needed in a SW tank...Oxygenation comes from gaseous exchange as a result of adequate water movement...
Have you tested your water lately for ammonia,nitrItes,nitrAtes,ph,and salinity? Please post results as they contain many "clues" to the problems with the percs you are experiancing...
Whens the last time you did a water change? Now may be a good idea...
How long has the tank been up and running? How long ago did you add the fish?
What symptoms are the fish displaying...color,spots,film,breathing hard,any other "clues" ?