Tell me more about maxima clam...sammystingray and others...


Would you consider this clam hard to keep?
Do they need VERY POWERFUL light to survive? How about feeding? Are they hardy or reserved only for the advanced aquarists?
I'm asking this question because I am a beginner and I like this clam although they are very expensive at my LFS.
Current tank - 75g FOWLR - LIGHTS: one 3ft actinic fluorescent light and one 3ft 6500K fluorenscent white light.
Please share from your experience. Love to hear from you guys! ;) <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


Active Member
yeah get some new ights maybe, and place the clam as high in the tank as youpossibly can, but keep an eye on it so it doenst fall over. THis happened to me once and withing a day my clam was dead. Also keep a close watch on your calcium levels, as this is the promary element that clams use to grow. Calcium levels need to be high at 460-500. Onc ethey start growing in the tank, it is amazing to watch how fast they progress. Good luck


Active Member
THe general rule for clams is that the more colorful they are the more light they are going to require to survive, therefore your browner and darker colored clams such as the Derasa, and Squamosa clams won't need as much light as the maxima and croceus clams