Tell me what this critter is


I have recently been looking at night in my tank to see if I have a mantis shrimp. My tank is 9 weeks old and I saw something tonight. It looked like a centipede only very very small. It looked clear and it wasn't the size of a fngernail. I did not see any claws because if it even had any they were to small to detect. It moved slow and when I flash a white light on it. It did not seem to mind. It was on a "dead" rock of mine I think eating algae.
Does anyone know what this thing is?
Do you think it is a baby Mantis shrimp?


Sounds like a baby brisstle worm but not sure with the clear part but might still be in the same family.



Active Member
well, did it ahve a distinguishable head, mantis will, they even have noticable eyes, if it did not bolt, an dhad no arms(i owuld try to get a better look to make sure),and was definitely eating algae, i would have to say it probably is NOT a mantis, and some type of worm, as i said in your other post, try to make sure, and if this is the same critter, you are probably safe, especially since i believe they are strict carnivores,and you will be able to see a mantises claws when it eats, they get their name form theit appendages(arms or claws), which fold under the body, and they use them for hunting and feeding both


It looked more like a silverfish than anything. I did not see any claws. I just say antennas on its head. I could not tell about its eyes. This thing I saw is extrmely tiny. When I shined the light on it, it just went about its business. The only way I could describe it would be like a minature centapede.


Active Member
i am pretty sure mantises do not thave antenna(not that are of noticable length anyhow0, their eyes are more prominent, frowm what i have seen