Tell me what u think


Active Member
i think you can keep him in there for awile yes. ideal size? prolly not. will he live? heck yes. your just going ot have him in there only right? i wouldnt crowd a trigger like a huma huma too much thy can get mean


Active Member
wow he is going to eat in style then! triggers love clean up crews cha cha cha thats what thier mouths remind me of when they are chewing up shrimps and crabs. i would researh triggers a bit more before you get one. the huma huma is not the least mild trigger, you mgiht get away with it if u had a niger trigger but no promises


well, keep an eye on him.......sometimes they tend to snack on clean up crews.......mine doesn't, but i hear i am a lucky minority


New Member
No, especially not as a baby. As a full grown adult, you will probobly want to move him up to a bigger aquarium, at least a 55. But for a while, he will be fine. But they grow like weeds.......
Will he eat a clean up crew?
Very possible. But the good thing is, if he is not cramped and well fed, he may leave them alone. And a lot of times he may only eat them as an occasional snack, so replacement of clean up crew is an option. But if he is well fed, it is a good possibility that he will leave the clean up crew alone, for the most part............