Tell me what you think of my lighting idea


I need to have two lighting systems cause the tank is in the wall and only 65 % of the tank is exposed from behind. The remaining portion is access by a small access panel. There is a overhang only 3" in from the bottom of the tank about 65 % of the way across which extends for 5 or 6 inches which then is angly raised.
1) 250W MH Build your own retro kit from Hello lights with 36" reflector (Getting this mainly for the refector size). (265)
2) 250W MH Retro Pulse Start Kit (203)
Each one of these kits will be mounted onto a wood board securly fastened to the overhanging drywall
I then plan on purchasing a VHO 430 ballast and fastening 2 vho lights in each of the reflector's above and mounting them to wood beams on each side
Is this possible or am i dreaming


well what size is your tank?
and it was only about 120$ for the 36" DIY retro from hellos light. is your price including the bulbs?


Member I see where you were coming up with the 65% part. I just past it of as if I were talking to someone that ate alot of lead paint J/K :D :p Can you post a picture of what you got? Or can you draw a diagram of open available space for light?