Temp and salinity


This isn't really a poll but what temp and salinity do you keep your reef at? When I started at sw about a year and a half ago, most people told me the optimun temp for a reef is 76-78F and salinity is 1.021 - 1.023. I got a great book on coral reefs for xmas and was reading about the two stated. Two days ago I followed the book and now keep my temp at 82/83F and salinity at 1.026 - 1.027. From what they say in the book, most natural reef sea water is 82-84F and 1.027. For the past two days, my corals and shrooms have doubled in size (not growth but opening.
I just wanted to pass it along. It worked very well for me.
~naso :)


Active Member
Hi Naso,
I keep mine at 80 deg and 1.026 or 35ppt. I have read several articles that say that a reef has be atleast 35ppt for proper calcification to occur. We must be reading the same things.
- Josh -


Active Member
ours is 80 degrees and 1.025
not a reef yet, but soon to be, but we do have some polyps and feather dusters(big colony) and a good coraline and macro grwth going on


Wow that is some response. Looks like I am going to make some minor adjustments today. :D


I have been keeping my salinity at 1.023- 1.024-- temp at 79 degrees-- should i raise my salinity?


Active Member
no, especially not if it is fo,
other wise, the standard is (ithink) 1.023 to 1.025, and reefers say a little higher, up to 1.027, and fo can go much lower, but i would not go under by alot
but if you do adjust it, do it reeeeaall slow, maybe 1/4 point wevery time you do a change,
but if you are in this range or real close, i would not worry


At 80-81 w/ 1.025-1.026 . I read that for inverts this is a better salinity. I've been real happy w/results also! :D (I'm sure my salt supplier is happier too)


Active Member
My'm sits at 78-79 and the salinity stays around 25-26.I'v had great sucess so far but might take the advice???


Wow, glad to see and hear everybody's tanks are flourishing. For me, again, it has only been 2 days now but I see a dramitic improvement. Here's to hoping that it keeps up.
Best of luck to all.


I have never had a heater in my tank, I guess I will try increasing the temp, and raising the specific gravity. I keep mine at 1.023 and 74 degrees.