Temp And Salt


What is the ideal salt reading? and what is a good temp for FOWLR. I filled my 125g yesterday and followed the directions on the bag for adding salt(1/2 cup a gallon) I do not have a heater in there yet... getting one this week.... But right now my salt reading is low only 1.020 will the salt level raise when I heat up the water?? We have the filter running and the powerhead is on... Waiting for the cycle now


It really depends on what you are planning to keep. Most fish are good with a specific gravity from 1.020 - 1.026. For a fish only tank, 1.020 is a little low. If it was me, I'd do 1.023.
For the temp, it also depends on the fish. Most are from 78-82 deg F.
As far as the temperature affecting SG, only slightly. SG is a measure of density of an object over the density of a reference. Density is mass/volume and volume is affected by temperature. Therefore temp does affect SG. However, becuase SG = Denisty(Obj)/Density(ref), with a temperature component in both the numerator and denomenator, it cancels out and doesn't really affect it too much. Here is a link for some info. Sorry about the science lesson.