I just bought out a tank setup from a local guy. In the package deal was a RO/DI unit with an auto top off float in his wet/dry. I'm canibalizing his system into mine and selling off the stuff I don't want. I've never used an RO/DI setup since I never really saw the need. I've got well water and was running fish only. I really like the idea of the ATO and want to add it to my wet/dry. My question is about temp contol of the water. The unit wall mount and hooks up to a standard hose connection. But how do ensure the water's the correct temp? Are you supposed to connect to a faucet and hope the water's in the ballpark of 78-80? I don't really have a spot to leave it tied into my water supply all the time. The guy it came from had it run up from the basement through the floor to the filter. Pics of your setups would be good so I can get some idea's.