Temp control


My 55g temp is 86 degrees. I was wondering if there is a way to bring down the temp wihtout a chiller. If there isnt could you suggest a chiller under $200. Thank you.


Active Member
Do you have fans on the tank? How about a sump? Both of these will help bring down the temperature quite a bit... but I'm not sure if it'll bring it down more than a few degrees.


I have 2 4" fans in a closed canopy with 2 250w halides. Theree is only a 2 degree temp swing throughout the day so I'd say you may need to look into either more fans or fans over the sump as well. You'll have a lot more water loss to evaporation ut it may work. What is the source of your heat? If its a closed canopy have you considered opening the top some to let the heat out?


Active Member
Is that temp w/o a heater? Is it located in a warm room or is it getting too warm from some other source? Also, what are you using to record temps?
I may be looking at a chiller this summer for my 55 gal reef tank as my south facing house can get real warm, even though I leave the a/c on low during the day. I have T5 lights (6 x 54W) that I installed last month so I haven't gone through a summer with these new more powerful (warmer) lights. Also, do you have a tank cover? that can trap heat in your tank.


Active Member
you could float ice, also check and be sure your heater is working properly, I had that problem and finally figured out the heater was not turning off.
so far I have not found a heater that works accurate.


Active Member
Okay well in light of recent posts, perhaps we should clarify...
Is this 86 degrees an occasional issue, or is this something that is happening all the time?
If it's happening all the time, then a chiller may be an unfortunate necessity, if you can't get enough reduction with fans or cannot turn down the house temperature enough to keep it under control.
If it's an occasional thing, then floating ice, etc are all ideas that can help.