Temp issues in 5 gal....


I have a 5 gallon tank that I just set up recently. I used rock and water from my main tank, so it is all ready to start stocking with corals etc.. I am having issues with temp though. I have a Corallife 50/50 w/ two 18 watt bulbs. Seems to be the perfect light for this tank....bout 7 watts/gallon...but my temp is consistantly around 87-90 degrees. How can I bring this down, and keep it down?


Active Member
make sure your heater inst malfunctioning, thats realy high... also if your heater is ok, make sure its not getting some extra sunlight your not knowing about... and the last thinng to try would be raising the llights above the tank more


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
make sure your heater inst malfunctioning, thats realy high... also if your heater is ok, make sure its not getting some extra sunlight your not knowing about... and the last thinng to try would be raising the llights above the tank more
tht sounds godd but how about a fan blowing across the top of the tank.
when u do top off everyday. use some cooler water. and put it in SLOWLY! lol just so u dont shock anything
one last thing is to float some either
ice cubes, icepacks in a plastic baggy in ur tank,
good luck . loking foward to some pics if u got some.


Active Member
i do freezing top offs, throw ice cubes in hob filter that has mini fan on it... no problems.


Active Member
I set up an auto top off that slowly drips cool water into my 2. I also use a small desk fan blowing on the tank. The best thing you can do is to get the lights up off the tank.