Temp Issues


New Member
I have a 12 gal. Nano. It's been up and running for about a month. We two pieces of coral, some crabs, snails, live rock, and live sand. Our temp is always between 82-84 degrees. We live in California. Any suggestions?


84 is the highest you ever want it to reach. If it isn't rising past that or fluctuating a lot during the day/night, then you'll probably be okay. Just make sure that you get livestock that is from warmer waters.
Optimally you'd keep it at least 3-4* cooler. A chiller is one way to go. Adding fans and airflow is another. If the room you keep the tank in is particularly warm cooling the whole room might be an option.

mpls man

Active Member
wouldn't get a chiller yet, put a computer fan over the tank, i do that and it will drop the temp in less then a hour with no problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by the*oc*baby
I have a 12 gal. Nano. It's been up and running for about a month. We two pieces of coral, some crabs, snails, live rock, and live sand. Our temp is always between 82-84 degrees. We live in California. Any suggestions?
I have a 24g nanocube. I was having the same problems with temp...what I did was I took off the front compartment cover on the lid. I replaced it with a fine mesh screen to keep the critters in (snails and such) This allowed great air circulation and dropped my temps to 78-79 consistantly. If you do not want to take off the lid I recommend leaving the lid (only front access panel not ENTIRE lid) open at night. Worked great for me.


Active Member
Keep in mind a chiller is around $300 to $600 bucks. WAY to much of an investment if you ask me for a small tank


IMO 82 - 84 is not that bad if is running down on summer only....I seen many tanks with the temps around 83 and 84 growing amazing corals....Just dont let to get to the point of getting to hot....I have my tank on temp of 82, but it is a 100gl.....