Temp ?

the 55 aquarist

New Member
ok my tank is really hot (84) i'm thinking of frezeeing a 2 liter bottle of water and placing it in the tank til 79-80is reached will this be a hazard for the fish to quick in temp change? :confused: Please reply ASAP


To tell you the truth, 84 probably isn't that big of deal. A lot of people on this bb say their tank gets up to 84 or so. Maybe do a search here and see what other people have said. Just checked my tank and it too is at 84. If you do want to lower it, I've heard people do what you asked about. I'm pretty sure you won't have a problem though.


FYI-there a post called "over heating" that is now in the reef forum. Check that out.


I think it's ok too. My tank gets that high also. The only thing you might have to worry about is more aggressiveness as the temperature rises. Other than that, it's the same conditions as a normal coral reef. ;)


My darn tank won't go below 82 with this summer heat, even with air conditioning. Oh well... but as the temp goes up, you should make sure that you are moving the water around enough to create oxygenated water. Higher temps cause lower oxygen levels in the water. My tank is at 84.6 right now, and it's been that way for a month!! IF you can't beat them, join them. You should be okay.
84 should be alright but, if it gets higher,try a water change, with cold water. It cools the fish and brings down the temp.


Welcome to the board and nice tank. From reading some of your posts and seeing your site, you obviously know your stuff. It's always good to have a knowlegdeable person come here. Hope you stay...although I see you're a moderator at ANOTHER site. :eek:
p.s. The link to your site didn't work directly, at least for me. Just a little FYI.

nm reef

Active Member
SPASSE........I lurk at your other hang out.....get gr8 info there from time to time....welcome to our lil cornor of the world.....and a pleasure to see ya here........