Temperature Range


Hi People~!
I was wondering wat range would be the best for nano FOWLR tanks? I think i am having problem with my country's climate.....here are my average temp
Day - between 24C to 31C
Night - 18C to 26C
I live in South east Asia, Borneo.
do you think thats ok?!


I aggree with TangWhispr, a 7degree change in Temp is a big swing! Have you thought about running any cooling equipment(chiller, fans etc)? That would help regulate things!


okay...i beeen researching in the internet and i found out that the ideal temprature is 27C ?? but there some opinions that is not so much of the Tempreture but the consistency of it....lets say its even if its 30C...... it should stay like tat, what do you think?
i added 1 fan to cool the water and it does the trick lowering it by 2C or so....Damn tropical climate
, it so hot here you dont even have to put the water over fire to boil it hehhehehe