

I have a 155 bow tank. the temperature has always been sitting around 81. I now keep the air conditioning on in the house around 76 but that had little effect.
Anyway, this weekend, I took off one glass cover, and put a clip-on fan on, pointing down to where the glass use to be. I left the house for a bout 5 hours on saturday, and the water had dropped to 75. So quite. I think it might have been taking the glass off as opposed to the fan.
The big drop, wasn't a good thing. I'm thinking maybe to try and keep it about 78. What should I be aiming for.
Is it ok for the temperature to change 1-2 degrees a day. It has been and the fish are fine.
Any advise would be great.


I live in TX and about a week ago my air conditioning went out. My tank went from about 78 up to 84. The fish store told me not to let it get above 86. I did the same thing to keep it cool, openend the lid and put a fan on top, I also had to freeze salt water from the tank and throw in salt water ice cubes on occasion. my temp swung anywhere from 75 up to 84 during that 6 day time period and everyone is still alive and doing well. One word of warning though, with the lid open, your water will evaporate very quick!!
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang
Fox Face
Blue damsel
Maroon Clown
4 starfish
bright red shrimp