tempered glass



I just got a great deal on a used 75 gallon tank with a sump but I want to have the tank drilled instead of using the over flow, is there a way to tell if the glass is tempered or not. I called the company that will be drilling it and ask them the same question and they said that I would have to bring it in to them to see <uugggg> I hate to load it up and take it to them just to hear them say “sorry but it is tempered glass” there is no writing on it at all, not even a name brand.


you could hit it with a hammer - if it's tempered it will shatter and not crack
kidding of course.
Most tanks are made with tempered glass on the bottoms - if you look closely in one of the corners there may be that info etched into it.


Active Member
You may get a lot of "quick answers" here, but there are very few ways to know with the bare eye. First, as already mentioned, it would be obvious if you broke it, but we don't want to go there. Second, if there is no writing anywhere on it, look along the edges, very carefully, and look for score marks where the glass was hung during temper process. This is a high heat process and it's very difficult to remove these marks and should be easily identifiable if you know what you are looking for. Finally, you will probably have to carry it in for someone with electronic testing equipment if steps one or two don't work.


Ok, thanks
I will go get a hammer and a magnifying glass out and get to work


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flukes
Ok, thanks
I will go get a hammer and a magnifying glass out and get to work
Just kidding...LEAVE THE HAMMER ALONE....It's okay, we have counselors that can help you


The labling isn't always accurate either. One of my pasts a while back i linked a photo of my shattered tank that the tage said the bottum only was tempered so drilled the side . . . Manufacture said only the bottum was tempered . . . oh well. Gave me an excuse to get a bigger tank. Good Luck.
And a quik thing. If the Glass shop will come out to fix a house window, or a shower door why not your fish tank? it is important to you, difficult to move and you pay them as would any other customer( just my thought)