tenecor tank


New Member
I am new to this and still lookin for a tank.I was lookin into a tenecor simplicity plus 85 gal for saltwater.want to know the difference between simplicity plus and the reef ready system.Any ideas are really welcome.I was lookin to have the least amt of work as possible due to time constraints.I was also leaning toward acrylic over glass,I am aware of the easy scratch problem,but they appear to be much nicer.


Active Member
The simplicity plus comes with a built in filter on the back of the tank. A good idea but I would be a little leary of how I would clean it if it was right against the wall.
The reef ready tanks have built in overflows, prefilters, and come with a wet/dry filter and plumbing components. I personally would choose this one, just cuz I like them.
Acrylic has an advantage over glass in that it is stronger, clearer, and more light weight than a glass tank. However, acrylic aquariums must have a top center brace and a 4 inch ******** lip to keep it structurally sound. This can get in the way in many different ways, and becomes an unwanted hassle from the beginning.


New Member
Thanks for the info.I didn't really think about the cleaning i guess,but the idea just seem so easy with no external plumbing and extra connections which will leave room for a leak.How about tenecor products?Do you have any info on these products.


Active Member
I'm sorry I don't have much info on their products accept that Tenecor is a good name to deal with when it comes to the tank itself.
If you'll go back to their site and look at the aquarium you are wanting, on the description it gives you a quick link to look at regarding the specific descriptions between the two types of filtration.
It says the Simplicity plus is easily maintained. To me though it is easier to clean a filter in the stand than having to remove the canopy, reach to atleast the middle of the tank and down, and do it from a step stool


The Show with added on built-in overflow box and drilled drains in the bottom of the tank. Nice setup. Canopy is 12" high to allow for MH lighting.


Thank you. One thing i think helped make it nice is that i listened to the people here that kept saying " take your time". It was worth it IMO.


Reef, you always have the dumbest quotes after I post something LOl..cant you just leave me alone Man? LOl:jumping: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Tenecor has a web site. Explains all the pricing and tanks. Also will give you dealers near you. One disadvantage with acrylic tanks is you look at them wrong and they scratch. Very had to repair if at all if tank gets scratched. They have also been known to yellow over time. Just my opinion.


Active Member

Originally posted by rabbitfish
lol, lmao, u guys are like two new juvenile clowns in a tank, tryin to decide whos the female? lol, nice analogy huh? but its cute!

I was actually trying to figure that out myself. Are yall from the same town or something? Or are ya just some high school kids flirting????:notsure: