Terry B, Beth, Anyone, please help!!!!!


New Member
Hey what's up? I have a couple of ???'s I have a hospital tank & I want to know if im doing the set up right. I just got a red sea purple tang & I noticed spots on him so I put him in the hospital tank. It's a 20g tank with a crushed coral base. My water temp is 80, my salinity is @ 1.019 this is his 2nd day in there & the water is starting to cloud up with a little tint to it. I'm useing "quick cure" as treatment. I used cycled water from the main tank & it's been running for about 3 weeks. I tested it, everything is ok. Am I doing anything wrong?? He's eating fine.
Thanx for any replies.


New Member
HELP! My ammonia level just tested to over 0.8, my nitrite @ 0.2, ph @ 7.8 - 8.0 & nitrate @ 0.0. My main tank tested good on everything. I cannot treat the main because I have ls & lr. In the Qtank, I use a filter w/ no cartridges/carbon. This is what they recommended @ the lfs. So basically it's just turning the water and not cleaning it. THe spots on the tang @ first looked like sand was stuck to him, now they look like salt spots. I have crushed coral on the bottom to supposidely help break down waste & establish bacteria. I was using Quick cure because..again..the infamous lfs recommended it. What SHOULD I use? He's been in there for exactly 48 hrs. I hope it's not too late! PLEASE HELP!!! ANYONE! :confused:


New Member
Terry, once again thank you for your help!!!! I was up waiting for a fast reply last night from anyone, nothing happend so I did alot of reading here on the site. I did alot of reading on the Qtank, I learned I was doing everything wrong. Her's what's going on now, I took the Qtank & put fresh water from the display, I changed my salinity from 1.019 to 1.018. I removed the crushed coral base, & I added fresh carbon to the filter. How often should I test the water? The fish seem to be doing fine, I have been checking on them every few hours. 3 quick ?'s .. Should I keep them in the dark, or do they need light? Does this not matter? How often should I feed them?


New Member
Yesterday my salinity was 1.018 & I dropped It to 1.016 this morning, Then again this afternoon to 1.014. Tomorrow morning I will drop It to 1.012 & in the afternoon to 1.009 & keep It there for the 3 weeks. I also went out to get a couple of poly filters, I set one up & It turned blue, I'm feeding him very little, I'm useing formula one & dryed seaweed. He doesn't seem to eat to much. Is this good or bad? When do I change the poly filter?, when I drop the salinity, or after one day?, or do I rinse It off & use It again? And will hyposalinity or garlic do anything for marine velvet?