Terry B...does hypo harm live rock?


Active Member
Terry, Since you are the expert on hypo....will it harm the coraline on my live rock? Does it kill brissle worms in the sand? I would hate to kill a bunch of brissle worms in the sand and have an amonia spike. How about snails, hermits and shrimp?


Staff member
Terry: I was going to bring this up at some point, but since a member mentioned it here, I wanted to say that I am doing some experimentation with this issue.
I will be seriously putting it to the test shortly but preliminarily, I have maintained coraline as well as lower form inverts such as bristleworms, brittle stars and even asterinas in as low as 1.015 sg. for several wks.
All did well including the coraline.
Obviously I am extremely hesitant to bring this up here for everyone to see, so please no one try this on their home display. Soon, I'll be going full blown hypo with these same pieces of live rock and accompanying hitchhikers in my QT. This is purely an experiment and I am definately not recommending it.