terry b. or beth


i have been reading your posts on the q.t. tanks and have a couple of questions, if i may
1- i have an emperior 400 on my tank and am going to set up a fugein a couple of weeks. would it be possible to keep the emperior in the fuge, untill q.t. is needed? then use the emperior on a tank i set up to keep from getting a cycle in the new q.t.? i saddly don't have the room to keep an empty tank going for q.t./hosp tank use.
2- would i be able to replace the emperior back in the fuge once q.t./hosp. tank was ready to be shut down?
3- i read a post by terry b. that stated ick may be brought in on shrimp. so do i need to q.t. shrimp and aninimies(bad sp.?)? how about live rock?
thanks rick


Staff member
Your plan for keeping a filter cycled for a QT will be fine, but just because you have a cycled filter available for your QT doesn't mean your QT will be cycled when you set it up on an as needed basis. It will be in better condition than wo any seeded filter, however.
Also, you can replace the filter back into your other tanks, but not the filter media. You should thoroghly clean any filter used with QT before using it with other aquaria.
It is not likely at all that inverts bring ich into the system. If you want to QT them, you can. However, perhaps it is better to use a LFS that takes some care in separating their LR, LS and their inverts from their fish supply. Inverts do no "catch" ich, put the parasite might be carried in on an invert, if the invert is sharing tank water with infected fish.