Terry B...thought you would get a kick out of this


Was in a LFS today and we were discussing Hypo as a parasite treatment...The dumbas*(or is he?) said that hypo of 1.009 for more than a 2 days would cause kidney/liver failure? Now considering we all have used this method at some point now or have not experienced this i had to laugh at him.
After explaining that I myself qt as often as possible and have had no problem I could only recommend it as a treatment. Oh well not a lot to say just thought that I would bring this to your attention and see your reaction or comments.
Thanks for all the help in the past few months!!!


I thought that hypo was crazy myself (before this BB). I was in the store the other day and found a marine aquarium book on it. Its ture it really, really works.


New Member
Simm---- can you tell me the name of the book that had info about hypo. I am new and need to know step by step how to lower it safely. I did print out a thread "first time hypo" but I live in a rural area and need to get some books I can keep on hand to refer to. This chemistry stuff has me overwhelmed.


I cant remember the name. The guy at the LFS picked it up and showed me. But I will be going back and Ill look then.


Hypo is good to treat ich and parasites . If you click on search at the top of this screen and type in hypo you will find lots of info that Beth and Terry have posted. Info such as how to and why!