Terry B.


I posted a question about my mandarin a couple of days ago. Since then I rarely see her moving about. She looks very large. I haven't been able to look at her eyes and they were my biggest concern. My question is should I move her to my refugium? She would have plenty to eat, places to hide plus I can keep an eye on her.


Staff member
I just took a look at the pics you posted before and she is really bulging, not fat. Her heys as well, but not like popeye. Perhaps fluid retention of some sort? It may be necessary to treat her with antibiotics at this point. Unless you really feel that she is just plain FAT. That is what it looks like.
Can you go ahead and post up your pics again so Terry doesn't have to look around for it.
Is the fish acting normal, aside from the bloating? Is she still eating??
Do you have a QT and, if not, are you prepared to set one up??


Here is one of the pics again. The area around the eyes is worse. I rarely see her move and I haven't seen her eat. She is not acting normal. Her body also looks wrinkled. Bulging, not fat would be the way I would describe it. Very bloated. The only way that I can get you a better pic is if I try to move her. I have a 10 gal that I had set up before as a hospital tank. Is that large enough? I could set it up again. What would I use as an antibiotic?


Thank you for your advice. I will give it a try. I had to take apart my hospital tank to get at my 125 that had a leak. Is a 10 gal big enough? The tank would not be cycled. What advice can you offer in this case?